There is only one happiness in life -- to love and to be loved.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

One week!

We decided to keep up with a blog since it seems to be the new trend. We are going to be induced in one week from today (the 17th!) and we can't wait! It is so crazy to think that the pregnancy is going to be over and our little Connor will finally be here with us! It'll be such an exciting time in our lives. So far everything has gone well and so we are hoping that labor follows the same path. Other than becoming parents so soon we are both in school and working. I only have 8 credits and most of that is my internship/job and an online religion class. It really doesn't even feel like I am in school. Adam has a lot of online classes that way he can be here to help take care of Connor. There is nothing else to report so until later!