There is only one happiness in life -- to love and to be loved.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Grateful for our Blessings

We have so much to be thankful for in our lives.  Here are the top five things that we are extremely grateful for:

1. The gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Without the gospel in our lives, we would have no meaning to life or direction.  We truly are grateful that we know without a doubt that Heavenly Father loves us and that we are His children.  We are so very grateful that Jesus Christ is our loving brother who died for us because He loves us so much and that through Him and the Atonement we can return to live with them again.  Also, we are grateful for the Holy Ghost and the prompts that we receive when we live n sync with the gospel.

2. Our Marriage.  Who could ask for a greater blessing than to be married to your best friend? Especially when that marriage was done in the temple and you know that it will last for time and all eternity.  What a comfort it is to know that we have the rest of our lives to grow together and then after that... well the rest of forever. 

3. Connor Cordell Jones :)  He is the most precious, adorable, fun, loving, and amazing baby ever. I might just be a little biased given the circumstances. But for real, we just love him with all of our hearts and then some.  Being a parent is one of the most wonderful blessings.  You think that you understand but you really can't until the day that you become a parent. The moment that we held Connor we knew that we were given a great gift and our lives for forever changed for the better.

4. Our families.  Who can really say that they have great in-laws? Well, we both can.  Adam and I love our families so much. We have a lot of fun when we see them and we love spending time together.  We can't wait until that day comes when we can hopefully move closer to home.  We are so grateful for the fact that we live only 45 mins from one another.  Whats cooler than loving your in-laws... the fact that both of our families get along great! Our siblings are all friends and our families hang out when we are states away in Idaho. Not many people have all that!

5. Jobs.  We are so grateful that we both have jobs.  In today's economy that is a huge thing to be thankful for in and of itself.  How taken care of we are that I was able to get a job using my degree as soon as I graduated, and that it works perfectly into Adam's class schedule (and Adam working the early morning security shift) that Connor doesn't need to go to a sitters. With Adam graduating in April we are grateful for faith and the comfort that it gives us that he will find a job.

Once again this year we had Thanksgiving in Rexburg.  We learned from last year that buying a turkey was just way to much meat for two people, so this year we bought a turkey breast and it was just the perfect size (with lots of leftovers still!).  This morning I woke up and made pies, homemade pies that is.  I absolutely LOVE pumpkin pie and thinks that it makes or breaks a Thanksgiving but my dear love doesn't feel the same way.  I made him an apple pie. 
Here are Adam and I on our second Thanksgiving together married :) (oh, and yes I colored my hair. I have been debating on it for awhile, lets just say that it ended up about 4 shades darker than I thought. My hairdresser was none other than my hubby.. However I only slightly freaked out about the color).

 Our delicious feast! The only thing that didn't turn out perfectly was the mashed potatoes. Go figure I mess up something I've made a million times.  Oh well Adam was a good husband and didn't complain and even ate them :)
 We decided to just let Connor have the fun of feeding himself, well mostly.  He feed himself the turkey and stuffing and I fed him mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. I tried giving him some cranberry sauce and he just made disgusted faces the entire time.  It was hard feeding him because he was literally taking handfuls of food and shoving them into his mouth! He LOVES turkey and LOVES LOVES LOVES stuffing! He knew how to eat on thanksgiving! We even let him drink so apple cider in his sippy cup!

We had a wonderful day with lots of good food and quality time together.  Now off to make sure we have all of our black Friday plans figured out. Wish us luck shopping with a bunch of crazies and a baby!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Birthday.., oh no! one more year closer to 25!

I really wanted a Wii for my birthday this year and the man reason is because I wanted the just dance game! We were watching the black friday adds like crazy so that we could get an amazing deal. Of course they didn't go on sale ( well, the sale price at Target and Best Buy are the normal price @ walmart) but the good thing is that we were able to get it on the Monday before my birthday.  We absolutely LOVE it! Just dance 2 is SOOO much fun.. it is pretty hard to get Adam to play with me but we play a lot of Mario together so its ok.

 So the morning of my birthday Adam decorated the apartment with balloons. Connor loved them! He was having so much fun chasing them around all day! He was such a happy good little boy the entire day! He gave his mommy lots of slobbery, love filled kisses and he even went down for his nap with out fighting it!

So at the age of 23 I was basically like a little kid.  The moment Adam got home from class I was ready to open up my presents.  He got me this lovely vest, this is the one present that i actually knew I was getting because I picked it out haha.

  Yes, Adam used Christmas paper to wrap some of my presents.  It made perfect sense seeing how we had it at home and you just throw it away anyways. Don't be confused and think I put up the wrong pictures :)
The PERFECT gift! A heated blanket. Some people believe to think that Adam gets cold.. that is the biggest myth! I'm usually freezing and while he is complaining it is too hot, as you see this is a perfect idea to solve that problem! It is even twin size so it just fits on my side of the bed!  
Adam also got me a set of hot rollers! I have been wanting these lately since my hair style has basically been pulled back into a pony tail or bun. It is hard because Connor is scared of the blow dryer and whenever I use a straightener or curling iron he gets bored and wants to pull the cord down.  This is an AMAZING way to actually look nice with using less than 10 mins of time.  The second that Adam left for class I had to try it out and I absolutely LOVE it!

  I had to work on my birthday but it wasn't bad at all.  I only had to go in for 3.5 hours and it was a pretty easy day, no major problem with the kids :) After I got off work we decided to go to dinner.  Making the drive to IF was so not worth it so we decided to stay in Rexburg and we ate at Wingers.  I was a little nervous because Connor was so fussy for Adam while I was at work. He was an absolute angel during all of dinner.  He loved watching the family that sat beside us at dinner.  Every time that we gave Connor fries he had so much fun smashing them all over the table and pulling them to a million pieces.   

 We came and had cake! Ha Connor was trying to grab the candles the whole time.  It was cute because Adam sang me Happy Birthday all by himself.  I have such an amazing husband.  Not many guys who don't like singing would do that for their wife!  After we had cake we watched the K irate Kid and just relaxed at home when Connor went to sleep.
It was a GREAT birthday.   

Sunday, November 7, 2010


This year for Halloween we took Connor to a Trunk or Treat that was going on at World gym.  It worked well into our schedule and was reasonable weather. Connor was dressed up as a little monkey and let me just say the costume was perfect for his personality!  It allowed us to get some cute pictures! Connor seemed pretty clueless as to what was going on but at that age it is expected. 

We bought a Pumpkin towards the middle of the month.  The ride home from the store I had to hold the pumpkin so Connor could play with it. He was so excited to hit and touch that big, bright orange thing. After we got home he spent a good while just playing with the pumpkin and trying to eat it.  We tried to carve it later on and that ended badly, of course that was not our fault.  For some reason the pumpkin was really mushy in the inside and extremely stringy. It was pretty disappointing but oh well. 

 Outside of Broulims, one of the grocery stores, they had a stray maze set up for the kids to go through. It was just the perfect spot to take a few pictures of Connor. He was pretty interested in touching the hay and trying to eat it.

 I just think that these pictures are absolutely adorable! I love how huge his smile is in the second pic.  He was crawling after the camera. Man our little guy is always on the go! He'll be walking in no time, he has mastered walking around furniture and is really fast at it! He's not quite 9 months yet either.

 We gave Connor some M&Ms for his first experience with candy. He LOVES them! I didn't realize that the colors would end up running down his face. Look at that huge smile though, he loves chocolate just as much as his mommy!
 For work we had to dress up for our Halloween party.  Seeing how I didn't want to blow $40 on a costume I just made the things in my closet work.  I was some sort of fairy, haha.  It was fun and my classroom and kiddos won for the best decorated room!
We went to the ward Halloween party, well to be honest we didn't have a choice seeing how we are on the committee. We helped to set up and prepare the food.  Adam had to work that night so we basically had time to eat and leave. I wish we would have remembered to take a family photo but oh well. Overall it was a pretty fun time... now on to the better holidays! I have already been listening to Christmas music non-stop!