There is only one happiness in life -- to love and to be loved.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Counting down..

Adam graduates at the end of this semester in April and I cannot wait! I really hope that he has a job lined up because I am already counting down the days until we are able to move out of Rexburg and I am able to quit PSR work.  I like my job on some days but just last week alone I had 3 kids miss out on our meetings so that means there goes 7 hours I wont get paid!! On top of that I am tired of racking up miles on our car. It's close to 200 every single week!! Ahh, but hopefully only 9 more weeks!

Connor is seriously getting cuter and cuter everyday! He is the pro at walking and walks around the entire apartment! It is so precious watching him walk around! I cant believe how big my little baby is getting!! He loves little stuffed animals (he likes to put them in his mouth and walk around) and he loves cuddling up in blankets while rolling on the floor. Last night Adam and I laughed so hard watching him play.  He has a fisher price table that has all sorts of toys with music and lights on it and he prolly spent 20 mins just pushing it all across to living room, then he tried to move our coffee table and just kept pushing.  He seemed so confused as why he wasn't strong enough to move it.  He loves feeding himself and always tries to help hold the spoon.  We always just feed him whatever we are having for dinner and boy, he can eat a ton when he wants too!!

The other day Adam was at school and I was home with Connor.  I gave him a bath, got him dressed and had to take away books and dvds he wasn't suppose to play with (along with not letting him pull my hair and bounce on the edge of the couch) and every single time I would say "No Connor" he would look  at me and scream "ah DA DA DAD DAD".  Haha it was so funny and made it hard not to laugh at him but he was screaming for his daddy to come save him from mean mommy.

One more thing about that little sweet baby of mine, he loves loves loves playing with my hair! He gets so excited when I wear it down (which isn't that often).  He grabs it and pulls all the strands apart and then rubs his face in my hair.  Every time he puts my hair in his face he just cuddles up to it and laughs.  It really is cute and most of the time it is really fun! But there are the times that he pulls the really sensitive pieces really hard. Like today in Sunday school when he pulled one of those strands and I yelled out "OUCH" so loud in the middle of the lesson that people turned around to look at me. 

We have so many unknowns in our near future that without the gospel I would be going crazy.  We are really praying that Adam gets a job right after graduation and that we are able to move. IF that happens it shouldn't be too long (6 months or so) until we would be able to get a house and be done with renting, but who knows.  Lately Adam is looking into the army. I don't know how I feel about this and he doesn't even know if he could do Military Police with his eye sight.  SO we have a lot of research, praying and fasting to do to see if this is even an option if he isn't offered a job somewhere. 

Enjoy some recent pictures:

 This is Connor doing his "Cheesing It" smile.  He does this all the time when he is playing or trying to get people's attention in the stores, at church or wherever
 We bought Connor a potty chair! He doesn't know what is going on still but he did pee in it once for us!! We aren't really trying to potty train him seriously yet, not until he's closer to a year and a half.. so like end of summer time!
 Daddy gave Connor a yummy Oreo!
 Connor loves story time, and mommy loves reading to her little boy so it works out great!
 Playing with his daddy, it is so precious to watch!
 So cute! Wanting to feed himself but decided the spoon feels better on his gums when he chews on it.
 He doesn't like to play with this as a walker but he has a blast riding on it. Just last night he learned how to push himself but only going backwards.
Connor in his big boy jammies!! SO stinkin precious! But it just breaks my heart a little that he is already this big!! And as you can see he is getting ready to take off walking in this picture!

1 comment:

  1. He is so precious!
    I can't believe Adam is about to graduate, that must be so exciting for you family, and it sounds like you have some big changes in the near future which is always exciting, and a great reminder of how precious the gospel is because you have to put so much trust in Christ as you make these decisions.
    Hopefully Neil and I will be able to make it back up to Rexburg to visit before you move away because i want to see you!
