There is only one happiness in life -- to love and to be loved.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Connor's First Birthday!

Ok so it took me way to long to post this but I had a great reason! Most of the pictures were on my sister's cameras and once I got them I had a sick little boy to take care of.  Connor's birthday was on the 17 of Feb.  I was really bummed because I see Connor for maybe 2 hours on Thursdays due to my work schedule.  This was a weird day for me. In the middle of my morning while I was waiting to pick up my 2nd client I had to run to the restroom in the elementary school to throw up.  Needless to say I had to take her home really early (it was so embarrassing because I even got sick in her driveway with her in the back seat!).  The good news from this story is that I had to cancel with my last client of the day and it was like a 6 hour bug. By 4 I was feeling good and playing with my little guy!!

I made Connor this cute little onsie for him to wear on his BIG day! 

We had my sisters come over for dinner.. Spaghetti and garlic bread... Connor ate lots of food :) He didn't get to messy since he is so used to feeding himself all the time.

My mom had such a great idea.  She thought it would be a fun to skype both of our parents since they live in Ohio.  It was a lot of fun because it made it feel like they were a part of his party! Here is Connor watching and talking to his grandparents, aunts and uncles :) He kept going back and forth between the two computer screens!

Connor was so into the computers that getting him to unwrap presents was near impossible! It ended up with Mommy and Daddy opening almost everything for him while he tried to play with the computers. Here are some of the presents that he got:

Auntie Ashy and Mommy made his cake! I think it turned out really cute! We did Mickey Mouse because every morning Connor loves watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while eating his breakfast.

Connor really wasn't in the mood for cake so he just sat there for the longest time and then we let him feed himself some chocolate ice cream. He liked that better than the cake :)

It was a good birthday party!! :) He got lots of cool presents. He loves all the stuffed animals and cloths and Auntie Jessie drew him a picture of Mickey! He LOVES the baby bugs bunny stuffed animal from Auntie Ash.  Literally he carries it around the apartment and he cuddles with it all the time! It is so hard to believe how big he is and all the things that he can do! At his one month check up he weighed 20 lbs, which is only the 14%, and he was 30 inches long, which is the 53%.  He is so skinny he easily fits into his 3 month pants in the wast but he needs the length of the 12 month pants!

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