There is only one happiness in life -- to love and to be loved.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Conference Weekend

This conference I was so excited because my parents were able to get us tickets to go to the Sunday afternoon session! It was the first time that I would go and was so to speak my last chance at going since we are leaving the west.  Adam had to work in the morning on Sat so we headed down to Utah early that morning. Connor was a perfect angel the entire time! He had lots of fun playing with Ash and Jess in the car.  Every time they would start to fall asleep he would wake them up by hitting them with a stuffed animal, trying to push them off his car seat, tickling them, or his favorite thing to do to Jess was throw all the food he didn't want on her lap.  Towards the end of the drive he was playing peek-a-boo with me using his blanket to hid from me (I was in the front).  We stayed the weekend with Adam's cousins that live in West Jordan.  They got a new puppy, a German Shepard, that is HUGE.  Connor was pretty scared at first and every time the dog would bark he would cry and run for some one to hold him.  Then he took a few lessons from Karleia and every time the dog came by him Connor would growl at it and it would back away scared.  It was pretty hard to listen to the 2nd session on Sat because Connor was getting into everything, but at least we have technology to listen to it later :)

It was a slow moving afternoon and the boys were playing video games which isn't exactly interesting to watch so my sisters and I took Connor to the park to play.  He had a blast! He loved going down the slide and digging in the mulch.  Usually he is very fussy and whinny around Karleia but she was his BFF that day.  He thought she was hilarious and would crack up laughing so hard he would fall over while playing with her. It was cute and I got a great picture of the 2 of them (something that we don't have many of since he is temperamental).  It got could pretty early so we headed back in. Connor went down for a nap and us girls headed to do some shopping.  I wasn't very impressed with TJ Max or Old Navy.  We went to dinner at Texas Road House and my food was amazing! I had the best mushrooms on my sandwich. It was nice because Connor loves hanging out with Rusty (Adam's cousin) that he sat on his lap through dinner and had a blast picking food off his plate and helping himself.  We discovered that Connor loves salad and pickles. He actually ate the entire pickle!

Sunday morning Adam and I were up at 7 thanks to our little munchkin.  He was playful and every time Adam tried to go back to  sleep Connor would climb on him.  He went into the family room where the girls were sleeping and took Jess's phone. It was pretty funny watching her look for it when she finally woke up. We listened to the morning session because the satellite wasn't working since we woke up to a huge snow storm in April! We left pretty quickly after the first session to head to SLC.  The traffic wasn't that bad at all and we had plenty of time to get to the Conference Center.  We had AMAZING seats! We were right in the middle on the plaza level (which is the first floor) and we were only 4 rows back from the restricted area! It was a great experience to listen to the session and to be in the same room of our great church leaders. The Spirit was so strong, and I was so uplifted and touched by the talks.  I love Conference and the blessing it is to hear the Latter day Prophet of the world and his Apostles lead and guide me to better my life, my family, strengthen my testimony and grow closer to my Savior and Heavenly Father.

We went back to West Jordan and had a family dinner. It was nice that we were able to leave Connor with them and that he had fun playing.  We took a few pictures and hit the road for the long drive back to Rexburg.  Connor was fussy a little on the way home. We had to pull off so that I could switch Ash seats about 2 hours into the trip. It just melts my heart to know that he just wanted to sit by his mommy and that after a few mins of sitting in the back he went from crying hysterically to laughing.  The last 40 mins was rough and he did finally fall asleep 10 mins from home. Ha, go figure.

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